Friday, January 6, 2012

what they never dare to try

Hello! Today I’m going to tell you about something that everyone wish, but nobody do something   to get it. It seems as if such a thing was something of tremendous value, but at the same time something not worth it. Today I’m going to tell you about happiness…
Nobody knows what happiness is, but everybody, has experienced –once at least. In these days, happiness is not something very popular. Instead of that, depression is what peoples like more. Because if you are too happy, the others think that you are a little crazy, and if you are a little crazy then they don’t give you a job, and if they don’t give a job then you won’t have money, and if you don’t have money then you won’t be happy. Accordingly, people don’t want to be happy, because if they are happy then they may not be happy.  So, that’s for me the paradox of the society. People are afraid to be happy. They hide behind false personalities, and star to behave in a no natural way. After a whole unreal life they die. So if you ask me what happiness is, I would tell you that it is the thing that never dare to try.


  1. Hi! I always read your posts and I always like the way you see the life. I'm sure that if you socialize your post many depress people can change their mind and look for happiness.
    Maybe your're a little crazy because you are too happy, but it's ok.

  2. That was a crazy post, Alfred.

    Besides that, you didn´t answer all the points specified in the task.

    1 point
